Wednesday, October 17, 2007


During the creation of a screencast, I found an article from Helene Blowers via my RSS feed about the latest video by Michael Wesch, who did The Machine is Us/ing Us video.

Here it is. For example, via things like RSS, information can find us -- that's what happened to me as I discovered this video right while I was demonstrating Google Reader!

People used to talk about the Internet and searching removing the "serendipity" benefits of browsing through shelves. Web 2.0 seems to be trying to put some of those things back -- but by using social networks, rather than spatial proximity. Very interesting development.

1 comment:

BlueBerry Pick'n said...

would you happen to know how to insert YouTube videos into a Serendipity blog?

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BlueBerry Pick'n
can be found @
"We, two, form a Multitude" ~ Ovid.
"Silent Freedom is Freedom Silenced"