Monday, February 4, 2008

Thing # 22: Try Out the Halifax Public Libraries Learning 2.0 Meebo Room


Meebo has a product that is a jazzed up chat room. In there multimedia can be shared, and you can login via your Meebo or other favorite Instant Messaging Account.

I have created a Meebo Chat room for library staff use.

In this case, I've made it simple and easy. There's password and you can join in anonymously. Just go there and drop a message and leave if you wish.


  • The password is included in the email message I sent to "all." If you deleted the message just let me know.
  • The Learning 2.0 team is going to use this room to help anyone complete their "things" before March 31st Later on.
  • You can create a pseudonym by clicking on your name (which, if you do not have an account will be "guest[some number here]."
  • "Tried and failed" works for this "thing" as well.


BreakoutBoxHPL said...

Hey Ryan,

Since I've put HPL Web 2.0 on my RSS, I haven't been reading the e-mails. Which means, of course, I deleted the meebo password. Could you pass that on to me?

Ryan Deschamps said...

Hey Eric,

My most recent email about "volunteering to be a guru" has the password in it as well.

Ryan. . .

BreakoutBoxHPL said...

Thanks. Yeah...I found it. Just goes to show one should pay attention to everything they use, or limit what they use so they can pay attention.

jeckel said...

I did the same thing. I deleted my work email with the password since adding HPL Web 2.0 on my RSS. Nice to know I wasn't the only one. I'll have to be more selective in my deleting.